Best Labor and Delivery Hospitals in Baltimore (With Reviews)

Pregnancy and Postpartum Care for Everyone

Choosing the right hospital for childbirth in Baltimore involves factors like quality of maternity care, availability of specialized services, and your personal birth preferences. Baltimore offers several hospitals known for their excellent maternity services. Here’s a breakdown of top options:

Ranking of Maternity Hospitals in Baltimore

RankHospital NameLocationKey Features
1Johns Hopkins HospitalBaltimoreJohns Hopkins is world-renowned for its healthcare services, offering comprehensive maternity care, including a Level IV NICU for the most critical cases, high-risk pregnancy care, and a team of top specialists.
2University of Maryland Medical CenterBaltimoreThis hospital provides excellent maternal care with a focus on high-risk pregnancies, a Level III NICU, and personalized birth plans. They also offer a wide range of prenatal and postnatal support services.
3MedStar Franklin Square Medical CenterBaltimoreMedStar Franklin Square is recognized for its family-centered birthing experience, featuring private birthing suites, a Level III NICU, and a variety of birthing options, including natural and medicated deliveries.
4Mercy Medical CenterBaltimoreMercy offers a personalized birth experience with private birthing suites, a midwifery program, and extensive breastfeeding support. They also have a Level III NICU and specialize in both natural and high-risk deliveries.
5Greater Baltimore Medical Center (GBMC)TowsonGBMC is known for its family-centered care, with private labor and delivery rooms, Level II NICU, and a strong emphasis on supporting mothers with breastfeeding and postpartum care.