Letter Of Medical Necessity For Doula (Updated Example Ready to Use)

Pregnancy and Postpartum Care for Everyone

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]


[Insurance Company Name]

[Claims Department]


Re: [Patient's Full Name] [Date of Birth] [Policy Number]

Dear [Insurance Company Name],

I am writing to request coverage for doula services for my patient, [Patient's Full Name]. I am [Your Name], a licensed healthcare provider and the attending [Specialty] responsible for the care of the patient.

Patient [Patient's Full Name] is currently under my care for [Medical Condition/Diagnosis] and has been recommended to receive doula services as part of their comprehensive medical care plan. The utilization of a doula is deemed medically necessary to address and support the unique physical and emotional needs of the patient during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum.

[Doula's Full Name], the certified doula recommended for this service, is highly experienced and trained to provide emotional and physical support to expectant mothers. The role of the doula in this case is crucial for the well-being of the patient, as it has been shown to have positive effects on maternal and neonatal outcomes.

The following factors contribute to the medical necessity of doula services for this patient:

  1. [Specify any relevant medical history or complications]
  2. [Detail how doula services will complement the overall treatment plan]
  3. [Highlight any research or studies supporting the benefits of doula services in similar cases]

I am requesting that you consider coverage for doula services as an essential component of the patient's medical care. The provision of doula services is consistent with the standard of care for patients with [Medical Condition/Diagnosis], and the positive impact on patient outcomes is well-documented.

Enclosed with this letter, you will find supporting documentation, including medical records, relevant literature, and the doula's certification and training credentials. I am available for any additional information or clarification you may require.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I look forward to a favorable response.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your License Number]

[Your Signature, if sending a hard copy]

Match with top-rated Doulas near you who are insurance-approved and have experiences guiding you through the process: https://www.bornbir.com