How to Find Tongue Tie Lactation Consultant Near Me (2024 Updates)

Pregnancy and Postpartum Care for Everyone

To find a lactation consultant who specializes in tongue-tie issues near you, you can follow these steps:

  1. Search Professional Organizations: Websites of professional lactation consultant organizations like Bornbir have directories where you can search for consultants based on their specialties and location. You can visit their website and use their "Find a Lactation Consultant" tool.
  2. Check with Local Hospitals or Clinics: Many hospitals and pediatric clinics have lactation consultants on staff or can recommend local professionals who have experience with tongue-tie.
  3. Ask for Referrals: Your pediatrician or obstetrician might know of lactation consultants who specialize in tongue-tie.
  4. Online Forums and Support Groups: Joining groups on platforms like Bornbir Parent dedicated to parenting and breastfeeding can help you connect with other parents who might have recommendations.
  5. Insurance Providers: Sometimes, your health insurance provider can help you find covered lactation consulting services that include specialists for tongue-tie.

By using these resources, you should be able to find a lactation consultant with the right expertise to help with tongue-tie related breastfeeding issues.

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