Delicia Kautzman

Sleep Coach
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
About me

Hey there! My name is Delicia Kautzman, Sleep Consultant and creator of Little Siesta Co. Born and raised in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. I am a mom to two beautiful girls. I am a Licensed Practical Nurse who specializes in home oxygen services for pediatrics and adults. I love the outdoors, travelling and ice cream. I have always had a passion of working with children, but this grew when I had my youngest daughter who brought on a long list of sleep challenges for my family. Maybe you can relate… I was a sleep deprived parent, googling in the middle of the night, and feeling like the joy of parenthood was passing me by. We decided to work with a sleep consultant when our youngest was 11 months old and our lives did a complete 180 turn. I was able to enjoy the beauty of being a mom, and my little one was a much happier version of herself. I truly feel like it is my calling to use my knowledge and skills to help your family find the path back to great sleep. ​


Licensed Practical Nursing (2019)

Certification and training

Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant (2022)

Baby and Toddler Sleep Coach


Service introduction

My goal for you is straightforward: To get your child sleeping through the night and provide some much-needed relief to your family! To achieve that goal gently AND quickly, we’ll be following a framework that is strategic, supportive, and mindful to your child’s age & temperament. If you are ready to move forward with a clear, step-by-step plan then below are my packages.

Pregnancy - 4 months I will help you create a good foundation of knowledge and tools to promote healthy sleep patterns while still indulging in the beauty and intimacy of this time. Included: - A personalized sleep guide that emphasizes on healthy habits and knowledge - 3 phone calls - 4 support emails
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4 months - 18 months I will help you address any existing props or associations. This age group thrives off consistency and routine. We will create a schedule and provide you with the knowledge around wake windows and cues. Included: - -Personalized sleep plan - -Ideal sleep schedule - -sleep logs to track progress - -Initial 90 minute consultations phone call - 1 phone call/email per week of support
CAD Flat rate
Toddler/Older Child
18 months – 5 years This age group is all about pushing boundaries and presenting challenging behaviours. I will work with you to address these issues and bring back some fun into bedtime. Included: - -Personalized sleep plan - -Ideal sleep schedule - -Sleep logs to track progress - -Initial 90 minute consultation phone call - -1 phone call/email per week of support
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