Liz Alleva

Childbirth Educator
Wilton, Connecticut
8 years of experience
About me

Hello, I'm Liz Alleva, a Certified HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator, and I am passionate about guiding expectant parents on a transformative journey toward a positive and empowering birthing experience. With a background in education, I bring a wealth of knowledge and a deep commitment to providing comprehensive and personalized support to individuals and couples as they prepare for the beautiful journey of childbirth. I firmly believe that the birthing experience has the potential to be the most empowering moment in one's life, and my mission is to empower and equip parents with the tools and knowledge they need to approach childbirth with confidence and calmness. My approach as a HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator is rooted in creating a supportive and nurturing environment where individuals can explore relaxation techniques, self-hypnosis, and mindfulness practices. These tools not only enhance the birthing experience but also contribute to a positive mindset and a deeper connection between parents and their unborn child. I am dedicated to fostering a sense of empowerment, informed decision-making, and a strong foundation for a joyous and fulfilling birthing experience. Whether you're a first-time parent or have previous childbirth experiences, I am here to support and guide you on this incredible journey. I look forward to the opportunity to assist you in achieving the positive and empowering birth you envision. Warm regards, Liz Alleva Certified HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator 917-363-4968


MA New York University (2003)

BA Wesleyan University (2000)

Certification and training

Certified HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator (2015)

Memberships and affiliations

Long Island Doula Association

Hudson Valley Birth Network

Childbirth Education


Service introduction

Greetings, I'm Liz Alleva, a Certified HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator, and I'm thrilled to introduce you to a transformative approach to childbirth that emphasizes relaxation, empowerment, and positive birthing experiences. At the heart of my services is the belief that your birthing experience can be one of the most empowering moments in your life. Drawing on my background in education, I bring a wealth of knowledge and a deep commitment to guiding expectant parents on a journey towards a calm, confident, and joyous birthing experience. HypnoBirthing is a unique and evidence-based childbirth education program that focuses on the mind-body connection, promoting relaxation, and dispelling fear surrounding childbirth. Through a series of VIRTUAL classes, you will learn valuable techniques such as self-hypnosis, visualization, and deep relaxation, empowering you to approach childbirth with confidence and trust in your body's innate ability. The VIRTUAL program is designed for both first-time parents and those with previous childbirth experiences. It fosters a sense of empowerment, allowing you to make informed decisions about your birthing preferences while fostering a deeper connection between you and your unborn child. Key elements of my HypnoBirthing VIRTUAL services include: 1. **Mind-Body Connection:** Explore the powerful connection between the mind and body, learning to release tension and fear, paving the way for a more relaxed and comfortable birthing experience. 2. **Techniques for Relaxation:** Acquire practical tools, including self-hypnosis and breathing techniques, to remain calm and focused during labor, promoting a smoother and more enjoyable birthing process. 3. **Empowerment through Education:** Gain a comprehensive understanding of the birthing process, enabling you to make informed decisions that align with your preferences and values. 4. **Partner Involvement:** Encourage the active participation of birthing partners, fostering a supportive and collaborative birthing environment. 5. **Individualized Support:** Benefit from personalized guidance tailored to your unique needs, ensuring you feel confident and prepared for the journey ahead. By choosing my HypnoBirthing VIRTUAL services, you're not only investing in a positive birthing experience but also embracing the opportunity to approach childbirth with a sense of empowerment, confidence, and joy. I am dedicated to supporting you on this remarkable journey and look forward to helping you achieve the birth experience you desire. Feel free to reach out with any questions or to discuss how HypnoBirthing can enhance your birthing journey. Warm regards, Liz Alleva Certified HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator 917-363-4968

Private Path to HypnoBirthing Mastery
Private HypnoBirthing classes offer an exclusive and personalized approach to childbirth education, tailoring the learning experience to the individual needs and preferences of the expectant parents. In these one-on-one sessions, the focus is entirely on providing a customized and intimate environment, ensuring that the couple receives dedicated attention and support throughout their birthing journey. **Key Features of Private HypnoBirthing Classes:** 1. **Personalized Attention:** Enjoy undivided attention as the private sessions are specifically tailored to meet the unique needs, concerns, and goals of the expectant couple. 2. **Flexible Scheduling:** Private classes provide the flexibility to schedule sessions at times that are most convenient for the couple, accommodating busy lifestyles and varying schedules. 3. **Customized Curriculum:** The curriculum is adapted to address specific questions, fears, or desires the couple may have, allowing for a more in-depth exploration of topics that matter most to them. 4. **Comfortable Learning Environment:** Couples can learn and practice HypnoBirthing techniques in the comfort of their own home or a setting of their choice, fostering a relaxed and familiar atmosphere. 5. **Enhanced Partner Involvement:** Private classes offer a unique opportunity for the birthing partner to actively participate, ensuring they feel confident and empowered to provide optimal support during labor. 6. **Focused Relaxation Practice:** With individualized guidance, the couple can delve deeper into relaxation techniques, visualization, and self-hypnosis, cultivating a strong foundation for a calm and positive birthing experience. 7. **Confidentiality and Privacy:** Some expectant parents may prefer a more private setting to discuss personal concerns or share their birthing preferences. Private classes offer a confidential space for open and honest communication. 8. **Tailored Birth Plan:** The instructor can assist in creating a personalized birth plan that aligns with the couple's values and preferences, ensuring a comprehensive and detailed approach to their birthing experience. Private HypnoBirthing classes are an excellent choice for those seeking a more individualized and focused approach to childbirth education. They empower couples with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate the birthing process confidently, promoting a positive and empowering birthing experience.
USD Per hour
Semi-Private HypnoBirthing Experience
Sliding scale and payment plans available. Welcome to our exclusive Semi-Private HypnoBirthing Experience – a small group journey towards a serene and empowered birthing experience. **Package Highlights:** 1. **Semi-Private Setting:** Join a small, intimate group of expectant parents (2-5 Moms-to-be and her Birth Companion) as we embark on this transformative journey together. Benefit from a supportive community while still enjoying personalized attention. 2. **HypnoBirthing Harmony:** Immerse yourself in the principles of HypnoBirthing, where calmness and unity intertwine. Learn powerful relaxation techniques, self-hypnosis, and mindfulness practices tailored to your unique needs. 3. **Tranquil Group Sessions:** Engage in weekly sessions filled with tranquility, where you and your birthing partner will explore HypnoBirthing techniques designed to foster relaxation and confidence during labor. 4. **Community Connection:** Form lasting bonds with other expectant parents sharing similar birthing aspirations. Exchange experiences, support one another, and build a network of encouragement throughout this remarkable journey. 5. **Personalized Guidance:** Enjoy the benefits of semi-private classes with more focused attention on your individual questions, concerns, and preferences. Your experience is tailored to ensure you feel confident and prepared for the birth of your baby. 6. **Comprehensive HypnoBirthing Curriculum:** Delve into a comprehensive curriculum covering everything from understanding the birthing process to mastering HypnoBirthing techniques. Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for a positive and empowering birthing experience. 7. **DuoMind HypnoBirthing Journal:** Receive a specially crafted journal for you and your birthing partner to document thoughts, feelings, and experiences throughout the CalmUnity HypnoBirthing Experience. Create a keepsake to cherish for years to come. **Invest in Your Calm and United Birth:** Embark on this transformative journey with CalmUnity HypnoBirthing Experience, where serene surroundings and collective support pave the way for an empowered birthing experience. Limited spaces are available to ensure each participant receives the attention they deserve. To secure your spot or inquire further, please email us at or give us a call at 917.363.4968. We look forward to guiding you towards a harmonious and empowered birthing experience.
USD Per hour
Ratings and reviews
# of Reviews

Liz was an amazing instructor; I loved her class so much I connected her and my doula to refer each other! Everything learned in class will be wonderful to have in my treasure chest on my birthing day. It was great she included my husband Anthony as well. The videos were great to see and I couldn’t be more obsessed with rainbow tapes! They’ve literally saved my sleeping!! Hypnobirthing is an amazing concept I want everyone to know about and believe in. We don’t need medication or to be uncomfortable. We need to believe in ourselves and Liz did a wonderful job teaching us this 🙂 thank you Liz!” -Lauren B. Had a wonderful experience taking this HypnoBirthing course! I would highly recommend, Liz’s knowledge and dedication is phenomenal. -Julia W. I completed my HypnoBirthing course with Liz when I was 34 weeks pregnant. Liz was down-to-earth, eager to help and support. With the knowledge from Liz’s course and the tools given to us by HypnoBirthing Mommys, we were able to do a completely unmedicated birth. I was able to labor primarily at home and was able to manage my surges just with our HypnoBirthing tools. When we went to the hospital, the doctors and nurses were surprised at my demeanor (at first they did not believe I was in labor and talked about sending me home). They asked my husband if I was always this calm and controlled. I attribute this to having gone through the HypnoBirthing Mommys course and practicing for the five weeks between starting the course and when our son was born. As someone who was very worried about having a traumatic birth, I cannot advocate enough for this course and Liz as an instructor! -Danielle J.

- HypnoBirthing F.

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District of Columbia