Hi I'm Dr. Sam O’Brien (the apostrophe is the bane of my existence)! I am the co-owner of The Hive Wellness Center. I adore treating pregnancy & pediatric patients and I get especially *nerdy* about correcting musculoskeletal dysfunction & functional movement. I'm love the outdoors, trying new foods, and spending time with friends and family!
Doctor of Chiropractic, Logan University (2021)
Bachelor of Kinesiology Degree, Northern Illinois University (2018)
Minor in Nutrition, Northern Illinois University (2018)
Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Certified Provider (2020)
McKenzie Diagnosis Therapy Part A and B - Certified Provider (2019)
Motion Palpation - Certified Provider (2019)
MPI Pregnancy and Pediatric Provider (2018)
SFMA Level 1 - Certified Provider (2020)
Dry Needling Foundations: Part I & II - Certified Provider (2020)
Webster Certified (2022)
At The Hive Wellness Center, our mission is to provide holistic, evidence-informed chiropractic and rehabilitative care that is personalized to you and your needs. We aim to create lifelong partnerships while empowering individuals to establish autonomy in managing their health.
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